Coconut Crumble Fudge

3 Ingredient Dessert!

Today I introduce you to a simple and yet a family favorite recipe, Coconut Crumble Fudge. I initially discovered this recipe, when I tried to recover from a failed attempt of making Coconut Snowballs.

Coconut snowballs usually require a ‘dough’ of grated coconut and condensed milk. However, I landed up with a runny batter instead due to less quantity of grated coconut available. Once the initial worry state passed, I just poured into a baking dish and popped into the oven. This was the discovery of this amazing and versatile dessert.

 If you add little orange essence and spoon onto a cupcake tray, it tastes similar to the lovely Coconut Macaroons from Spinneys in Dubai!

This is a perfect dessert for potlucks or dinner parties and also makes a lovely sweet dish for any celebration! The preparation takes just a few minutes and it is super delicious!

So, let us get right to it!

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Coconut Crumble Fudge
  1. In a mixing bowl, Add 1 cup condensed milk and 1 cup freshly grated coconut. Mix well.
  2. Add 1/2 cup milk powder and mix to incorporate well.
  3. Pour the mixture into a greased baking dish.
  4. Optional: Sprinkle some grated coconut on the top. This create a nice toasted top.
  5. Bake this in a preheated oven at 350 Degree F for 35-40 minutes.
  6. After 40 minutes, the Coconut Crumble Fudge is ready!

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