Quick and Easy Kesar Mango Kulfi Ice Cream
Servings Prep Time
4 8
Servings Prep Time
4 8
  1. Take a mixing bowl and get the hand mixer ready. You may use a whisk if you don’t have a hand mixer. However, the manual labor would take you more time
  2. Open the cardamum pods and crush them in mortar and pestle
  3. Add all the ingredients into the mixing bowl (including crushed cardamom seeds and saffron
  4. Mix all the ingredients well and whisk for 6 minutes at medium speed to build the air into the mixture. Keep whisking till you get the consistency of a soft serve ice cream. Taste the mixture now, and adjust flavouring as per your preference.
  5. Once you have the right consistency, pour the mixture to a freezer safe container. Pop this into the freezer for 4 to 5 hours
  6. In about 5 hours, the ice cream would have set. Expect a soft scoop ice cream texture. Just cozy up in the couch and enjoy this yummy desert!
Recipe Notes

You may adjust the ingredients based on your taste and dietry restrictions.


I have not added any nuts. You may add some if you please

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