Biscoff Pudding

Hello All!

Finally feeling more of myself this past week and have been busy experimenting in the kitchen.

Quarantine sure has had its ups and downs, but one thing that has kept us entertained is Tik Tok. I saw this trending video with Magnolia Bakery Banana Pudding and I was sure tempted to try at home! Last week, I went on my usual Costco haul and found a superb deal on Lotus Biscoff. Having stocked up on these bikkies, I decided to create my version of this pudding. I have used maraschino cherries. You may use any fruits of your choice.

The pudding was absolutely delicious and a definite try for all! Not to mention, it was super quick to whip up!

So, let us get right to it!

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Biscoff Pudding
  1. In a mixing bowl, add 1 can condensed milk.
  2. Add 1.5 cups cold water and whisk well.
  3. Add the pudding mix and beat well for about 2 minutes.
  4. Cover the bowl and keep in refrigerator to rest for about 15 to 20 minutes. (It took me 15 minutes)
  5. In meantime, lets whip the cream. In a large bowl, add 3 cups heavy cream and whisk until stiff peaks form.
  6. Now gently fold in the pudding mixture into the whipped cream
  7. LETS US NOW ARRANGE THE BISCOFF PUDDING. In a serving dish, layer the bottom with the Biscoff biscuits. Next, a thick layer of pudding mixture.
  8. The next layer you can add sliced fruit of your choice (like banana, fresh berries or even pineapple). I have used my favorite maraschino cherries and little syrup.
  9. Repeat another layer of Biscoff and Cream.
  10. Decorate as you please and enjoy!

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