Veggie Pan Pizza

Veggie Pan Pizza

Hello, Check out this recipe for an absolutely delicious pizza crust. This is close to the Pizza Hut ‘Pan’ crust Pizza. Soft in the center with a crispy base, loaded with veggies and cheese. We have used fire-roasted pepper and this topping truly was a 

Chai Cake with Saffron Frosting

Chai Cake with Saffron Frosting

I loved eating cakes and that sparked an interest in baking cakes at a young age itself! As simple as that. When I was on school summer break, my parent enrolled me in a baking class. There was a lady in the same apartment building 

Butter Shortbread

Butter Shortbread

We are well into the final quarter half of this roller coaster of a year. It has been wild so far, to say the least. We do have Diwali, Thanksgiving, and year-end holidays coming up. The best time to make festive recipes and get ready 

Biscoff Pudding

Biscoff Pudding

Hello All! Finally feeling more of myself this past week and have been busy experimenting in the kitchen. Quarantine sure has had its ups and downs, but one thing that has kept us entertained is Tik Tok. I saw this trending video with Magnolia Bakery 

Simple Bread Loaf

Simple Bread Loaf

Make the best of every situation, and this quarantine period has surely reminded me of that. I usually go for our weekly grocery to Costco, but we never buy the bread from there. They have an array of delicious bread varieties, however, for the quantity 

Eggless Blueberry Cake

Eggless Blueberry Cake

It has been busy the last few weeks, from a broken laptop to a new diet. Hope to get back on track with blogging. Today I am posting an Eggless Blueberry Cake recipe. As always, I have used my not so secret ingredient, Liquid Lecithin. This 

Coconut Crumble Fudge

Coconut Crumble Fudge

3 Ingredient Dessert! Today I introduce you to a simple and yet a family favorite recipe, Coconut Crumble Fudge. I initially discovered this recipe, when I tried to recover from a failed attempt of making Coconut Snowballs. Coconut snowballs usually require a ‘dough’ of grated 

Eggless Almond Flour Cookies

Eggless Almond Flour Cookies

These healthy and delicious cookies are inspiration from recipe of powerhungrycamilla and I have been obsessed since the first time I baked them. These cookies are super easy to prepare and require minimum ingredients. Almond flour is more easily available these days, and I usually 

Eggless Peach Cobbler

Eggless Peach Cobbler

Peach season is in the house! Today it is the summer favorite desert, delectable Peach Cobbler! Officially used up all the weekend peach harvest! This dessert is so easy to prepare and makes you feel so warm inside! Enjoy with a side of ice cream 

Eggless Vanilla Cake

Eggless Vanilla Cake

Finally figured out perfect Spongy Eggless Vanilla Cake recipe! I have made Eggless cakes umpteen times before using several egg substitutes, like flaxseed, yogurt, condensed milk, vinegar or applesauce. Although the cakes very always delicious and moist, it was not spongy like the store-bought cakes.