Lecithin- Solution for Eggless Baking

Lecithin- Solution for Eggless Baking

I have been attempting eggless baking for a while now. I have experimented with many egg replacements and I usually prefer to substitute with applesauce or yogurt. The cakes turn out very well and moist, but still I have never been able to achieve the spongy basic cakes that resembles the ones we find in bakeries.

If you have followed my social media feeds, you would be aware that I recently discovered a new ingredient known Lecithin. I have been using this in my latest eggless cakes and bread recipes, and wanted to throw some light into this topic for all of you.

Facts about Lecithin

  • Lecithin is widely used in commercial baking. If you look at the ingredients of most commercial goods, you will notice lecithin in almost everything
  • It plays a role of an emulsifier i.e. an ingredient that helps two or more other ingredients to remain mixed and not separate.
  • Lecithin acts as a natural preservative in baking goods and hence increases the shelf life. It is added to dough or batter to prevent the final product from staling. That is because it will add shelf life to products without adding any harmful chemicals.
  • It’s also used in eggless baking, where it can replace the naturally occurring lecithin in egg yolks.
  • Lecithin is available in different forms: Liquid Lecithin, Lecithin Powder &  Lecithin Granules
  • Types of Lecithin: Soy Lecithin, Egg Yolk & Sunflower Lecithin.

Where to buy from ?

I am only reccomeding the below because this is what I have tried and tested